Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Organix Coconut Milk Split-Ends Mender Review

A few months back, I found out about this glorious hair product via Seventeen magazine issue: apparently Coconut milk has been used in the Philippines to smooth out frizzy hair in hot summer days. This coconut infused hair product, Organix's Coconut Milk Split Ends Mender, is what I'm going to review for you guys today. I have used this for about 1 month already and have been dying to complete this review.

The Verdict? 

My holy grail (HG) product for hair now. This coconut milk product really smoothes out my hair ends. I literally just apply this on my damp, showered hair (concentrating on the ends), and it works for me like a miracle. The most amazing part is that the product comes out in a clear gel form, but you rub it on your hair and you don't feel any extra weight on your hair. Plus your hands are totally clean - no extra oil residue to wash off. Very very recommended to make your hair super healthy and silky.

Have you tried this product? What did you think?

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