Sunday, July 22, 2012

Le Body Challenge Plan

From now on, for the next 60 days/2 months, the getting fit diary shall commence full-scale.
This will be updated and tracked to make sure I follow these steps, like a masterlist of some sorts.
Lolol gross right? This is my stomach (and waist) I need to work on. Washboard tummmy lets go!


Wake up 7-10 am
Drink one glass of water
Breakfast: milk, healthy food (not gonna get too specific otherwise I won't complete task)
Lunch: whatever is cooked
Afternoon snack
Dinner: replaced with my Green Smoothie or a variation of it
Don't eat after 7pm
Sleep before 11pm
*water before every meal to ensure more intake


Bike for an hour every morning (not doing distance because I'm not good at keeping track)
Do 2 hours any of the following every day: tennis/jogging/bike
If bad weather arises, do 150 crunches, 500 toe stretches, and hulahoop for 30 minutes

- Goals -

I want a flat stomach at the minimum (sculpted abs would be a nice touch)
I don't have a waist... use picture above as reference
To replenish the youth in my face. like eating more grapes and get more sleep asap.


If I do well... I'll reward myself with something from here.


  1. aha! good lkuck with that dear :)

    I should do the same but I'm so lazy!!


    Sandra @

    1. Thank you haha!

      Fingers crossed I can complete this lol. I am actually so lazy at diet/fitness plans also.


Comments are welcome~ If business inquires, please direct them to my email (in About section)