Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10 Small Habits to Break for Good

Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become habit
Your habit becomes character
And your character becomes your destiny
 - Bubzbeauty (adapted from Gandhi)

With that, my personal list of bad habits I need to change. Honestly, I'm like doing at least one of the above right now as I type this.
Typically, these habits get dismissed because they're so trifling to other people. I.e. your friends can't possibly figure out that you're 'afraid of going outdoors alone' if you always tag along with friends/family after dark to hang out. But the one who notices these habits clear as day must be the one to get rid of them. That is yourself.

What are your bad habits that you want to get rid of? 

1 comment:

  1. It's a good list :) Some of those things I should probably change in myself too. I have so many bad habits though. Procrastination being the worst of them I'm sure!
    I hope you reach your goal dear :)


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