Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rattatouille Pizza

I made some delicious Rattatouille movie inspired pizza some weeks ago. Finally got the time to upload the results! I took the pictures late at night so it didn't look very good. But the taste, oh my gosh, so good!
Although it does take a ton of planning of ingredients and making... the result is quite satisfying. But I just wish I could learn from my pasty looking crust, I don't know why it always turns out like this. The first time it happened when I made my Japanese apple pie.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, on the contrary I think that looks delicious! Rattatouille always sounds so good, but I've never liked the dish once I had the chance to actually try it. I'll have to steal your pizza-form idea one of these days.

    Let's talk korean music more, eh? ;)
    d a n i e l l e |


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