Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Little Poem About Boys

Yes, these are my own sketches, and yes they are of actual boys I have liked. 

I have a love and hate relationship with them. Don't we all?
They can be arrogant, snarky, sassy, and crude.
Sometimes, they're courteous, selfless, and gentlemen-like.

If you find single when most of your friends are in a relationship,
you may find yourself wanting, hoping, desiring more.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures
You lunge at any decent guy who's willing to strike up a convo
You fantasize their lips on yours
You imagine hands locked together, walking along the beach at dusk

It'd be nice if all the hot guys in the world initiated things, you'd think.
If the guy you liked woke up one day and realised you were special
That you had a unique place in his heart
Dreams and fantasies
intangible, but sometimes they express exactly what you feel

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